Wednesday, February 21, 2007

On Letters...

Regular IB readers may notice that the suffix following my name has changed. I recently earned my CBC designation, after a relatively short but very intensive course of study.

The initials stand for Chartered Benefits Consultant, and is awarded by the National Association of Alternative Benefits Consultants. Very briefly, the designation reflects a more indepth knowledge of so-called "alternative benefits" (such as FSA, HRA, etc) with special emphasis on the burgeoning field of Consumer Directed Health Care.

Since I've been intimately involved in that last for some 15 years, it seemed logical to make it a bit more "official;" hence, the designation.

I'd like to thank the, uh, my co-blogger Bob Vineyard for manning the fort late last week, as I was in class for two full days finishing up (BTW, his post on Stupid Doctor Tricks garnered the most ever hits for IB -- Congratulations, Bob!). I took the test on Saturday; some multiple choice, the bulk essays on specific case studies.

Anyone interested in my final grade is free to ask.


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